Friday, January 30, 2009

Infomercial addict!!

Unfortunately infomercial addiction runs in the family! Yup, it started with my grandma Hansen, carried on down to my dad which rubbed off on my mom, then has been passed on to Ella. Confused? Let me explain. They all love and frequently buy from the tv. So easily persuaded. Anyway, I walked into the room the other day and Ella said excitedly and matter of factly, "Mom, if you buy Wipe Away, you never have to shave again! You just have to rub it on your skin and the hair goes away! They even have a finger one" (which is for your stache!). It was so funny and I actually laughed out loud! I'm worried its only the beginning of some horrible addiction!!!


Kristen said...

I have never seen that one...but it might be good to check into.

Val said...

Oh my gosh...saw that the other day and totally want to try it! Wish we lived closer and we could have a girls night and wipe away like there's no tomorrow!

Ricki said...

Wow! Haven't heard of this, but I think you should buy it for her, and put it away for later! That would be funny to see where her addiction started!!

Dion Seneca said...

My mom is an addict, too! I have to say, the wipe away is sounding pretty tempting, though! Although, it looks rubbing sandpaper all over your hairy areas...ouch!

Lesley said...

I saw that one the other day. What could be more comfortable than using sandpaper for hair removal?

April said...

So the question is, does it work?

The McCulloughs said...

My Grandma must be part of your family then! That is hilarious that Ella was selling it to you! Maybe she has a future on QVC!!!! LOL! All those dang infomercials do make you want it so bad and then when you finally get it, it sucks! Don't be persuaded! But do let me know if it works!