OK- Dawson is so mobile these days. He is crawling, rolling and doing anything he can to move. So, lets face the facts... I'm not used to it. I now know I cant leave him for one second. The poor child may not make it another day if I don't get it through my head. Ahh. Last night he was in his bumbo that was on the chair. I got up for one second and the next thing I know he is on the floor. He leaned over and the whole thing fell off the chair. He had a huge goose egg on his head. Then, since I didn't learn my lesson, I let Ella have him on the couch and all of a sudden he wasn't there anymore. Yup, he was on the floor. This was the result of that incident. Poor child that has to have me for a mother! I feel horrible. My only excuse is that I am not used to having a baby around, although I think its a good one!! Dylan and Ella aren't little any more so I am going to have to learn fast.